This year 2021-2022, our students in 3rd ESO A at IES Nicolás Copérnico have enrolled an eTwinning project called «My Hometown, My Future». They are working in English together with some other European high schools from Portugal (EBS D. Lucinda Andrades, São Vicente, Madeira), Greece (Gymnasium of Lakki, Leros) and Turkey (Osman Otken Anatolian High School, Antakya).
To begin with, the students from the different countries meet by means of an individual introduction of themselves on the «My Twinspace» platform. They used a Padlet wall where they uploaded personal information, such as hobbies, family, information about their town, what they would like to be in the future, etc. You can have a look at that Padlet wall here.
After this preliminary contact, students from the different countries involved in the project introduced the other countries their school and their cities. Our Spanish team created this video (we give special thanks for this and our other videos to Juan Diego Romero Briceño, for his great editing).
You can also have a look at the other videos made by the rest of European schools.
IES Nicolás Copérnico, Écija, Sevilla
EBS D. Lucinda Andrades, São Vicente, Madeira
Osman Otken Anatolian High School, Antakya
Osman Otken Anatolian High School, Antakya
Gymnasium of Lakki, Leros
Gymnasium of Lakki, Leros
Later on, the students from the different teams worked in a collaborative way in order to share their knowledge, dreams and expectations about future professional careers. The task was divided into two subtasks: one related to jobs from the past and another related to jobs for the future.
In order to carry out the firs subtask, students did research on jobs that were typical and necessary in the past, but that have disappeared or could disappear soon due to the new technological developments and to the new demands in our society.
This is the video created by our students in 3rd ESO A, along with other videos produced by the rest of European teams who work with us.
IES Nicolás Copérnico, Écija, Sevilla
Osman Otken Anatolian High School, Antakya
Osman Otken Anatolian High School, Antakya
Gymnasium of Lakki, Leros
EBS D. Lucinda Andrades, São Vicente, Madeira
EBS D. Lucinda Andrades, São Vicente, Madeira
EBS D. Lucinda Andrades, São Vicente, Madeira
EBS D. Lucinda Andrades, São Vicente, Madeira
EBS D. Lucinda Andrades, São Vicente, Madeira
EBS D. Lucinda Andrades, São Vicente, Madeira
In the next subtask, the students in the different European teams shared their views on the changes brought about by Information Technologies and globalization to our societies, as far as new types of working and jobs are concerned. From these considerations, proposals have arisen about, on the one hand, jobs that exist today and that will continue to be in demand in the future and, on the other hand, jobs that we will need to invent to provide an answer to the new necessities that will come up in our world.
This is our video and, also, those proposed by the other European schools.
IES Nicolás Copérnico, Écija, Sevilla
Osman Otken Anatolian High School, Antakya
EBS D. Lucinda Andrades, São Vicente, Madeira
EBS D. Lucinda Andrades, São Vicente, Madeira
Gymnasium of Lakki, Leros
Students in 3rd ESO A during the year 2021-2022 (participants in the eTwinning proyect «My Hometown, My Future»)