These free pdf books contain a lot of prompts and exercises to give you ideas on what to write about. And… they are interactive! You can write on them and save what you wrote. (By Bill Zimmerman, creator of Make Beliefs Comix, and Greg’s Diary):
Laptop Letters: Sending Wise & Loving Messages to Young People in Your Life
To help you compose your own legacy letters, just click on the cover of Laptop Letters. The book offers many ideas and subjects about the types of things which you might want to include in writing legacy letters or notes to some other people. These include finding happiness, making the world better, deciding what is really important in life. The book also features sample letters and notes to inspire writers.
Writing a Short Story
Here you have some pieces of advice on how to write a short story. you’ll find information about the elements of a short story (plot, setting, character, conflict, theme) and some animations and examples on short stories.